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Mimic Social: Text
Watched a video on YouTube explaining what Mimic Social is about, and the resources we are given. Essentially, Mimic Social is an Social Media Marketing Simulation Tool, and that in the simulation, I am responsible for the creating and managing of social media platforms and campaigns for Buhi Supply Co.
Every round, I will be allocated $5000, non-transferrable to later rounds. I need to create content for Buhi, across the 6 social media platforms of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and YouTube. I am also given data which the previous 'Marketing Manager' have collated, ranging from market analytics, showing different customer segments, their age groups, interests and purchasing power. I am also provided data such as which day of the week do viewers frequent a specific app, which time of the day has the most views, and which type of content appeals the most to customers.
In the later rounds, we are introduced to Social Media Influencers, where we learned about how influencers work, and what type of influencers work well for specific types of brands. For Mimic Social, we are only touching on Mega, Macro and Micro Influencers. For Influencer Rounds, we need to negotiate service fees with influencers for a price suitable for both the influencer and the brand itself. We also get to try first-hand, the results of engaging different types of influencers.
Through Mimic Social, the most important thing i have learned is that Social media marketing is not just about posting products using a variety of methods to appeal to customers, but is a lot more detailed than that, having to consider factors such as which day has the most views, which hour has the most views, which type of post, images appeal the most. Therefore, patience and time management is key. Balancing budget between social media influencers and post are also important, and knowing what types of influencers are relevant to brands are also key, as some influencers may not work out, wasting thousands of dollars, while some may reap lots of benefits. Balancing between organic and promoted post are also important, and a ratio of 8 to 2 is also very hard, needing lots of creativity to think of organic post to generate engagements.
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